At Holy Trinity, we aim for a high quality history curriculum which inspires pupils' curiosity and fascination about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want children to enjoy and love learning about history by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits.
Documents are available to view at the bottom of the page (overview of topics, progression of skills etc...)
Here are some examples of History in our school:
History 2024-25
Class 1 created poppy pictures for Remembrance Day,
The Reception children have been looking at how they have changed.
Class 2 enjoyed telling everyone about schools in the past for their class assembly!
Class 3 Ancient Egyptians topic! They had great fun mummifying a tomato!
Class 3 produced some fantastic Ancient Egyptian homework and presented a brilliant assembly about Ancient Egypt.
Class 4 had a great time at Lancashire Museum. They joined in lots of different activities based around WWII and all the people who worked in secret behind the scenes.
Class 4 laid a wreath on the cenotaph for Remembrance Day.
As part of Black History Month, the Pre-School children looked at a story called ‘Anansi and the Horse’ which was set in the country Grenada. They then painted the flag of Grenada.
The Reception children celebrated how God has made us all special and unique by painting our hands around the world.
Class 4 enjoyed learning all about the amazing life of Katherine Johnson as part of Black History Month and her amazing skills in mathematics and work for NASA.
History 2023-2024
Class 1's Remembrance Day artwork:
Class 1 have been looking at old and new toys.
Class 2's powerful Remembrance Day artwork:
Class 2 have been comparing toys then and now.
Class 3 completed some wonderful homework relating to the Romans.
Class 3 enjoyed prestending to be Roman warriors.
Class 3 visited the Ribchester Roman Museum:
Class 3 had the most amazing day investigating the Prehistoric Age! They looked at the Stone, Iron and Bronze Age. They had a very special visitor who brought in many different artefacts to show them!
A fantastic water painting by Class 3 as we remember 80 years since D-Day!
Class 3 and 4 produced some fantastic artwork based on their History topics!
During Black History Month, Class 4 have been learning about the life of Ruby Bridges. They were amazed at her courage and determination, especially during her first year of school. They also praised Mrs Henry who faced adversity when she taught Ruby.
Class 4 have enjoyed learning about a Victorian lady called Mary Bucktrout by using a range of sources including factory reports and the 1831 and 1841 census.
The children in Class 4 used sources from Kapow to learn about the significant achievements of William Tuke. They had discussions about the treatment of people who had been hospitalised due to their mental health in the past and how it has progressed since.
Class 4 have been exploring expressive drawing techniques using Maya art. They collected information to identify the key features of Maya art and made comparisons between different artworks. They also looked at the artwork of artist, Diego Rivera.