Art, Craft & Design is a natural form of expression and can be a source of great pleasure. We encourage children to develop their creative and imaginative talents through learning skills and techniques and using a variety of materials and tools. Pupils have opportunities to work with professional artists and crafts people. They learn to appreciate works of art and use artistic language to describe paintings, sculptures and other artefacts.
Documents are available to view at the bottom of the page (overview of topics, progression of skills etc...)
Here are some examples of Art in our school:
Class 3 Ancient Egyptian Artwork
Installation Art
Art from other cultures - Inspired by the work of Poonam Mistry.
Class 1
Natural art:
Fruit and Vegetable printing:
Finger Painting:
Class 2
Class 3
Abstract Sculptures
Clay work - using different joining skills
Remembering the late Queen Elizabeth II using shading and toning.
Live Art lessons with artist John Dyer who works with the Born Free Foundation.
These are some amazing symmetry drawings from Class 4 linking to Y5/6 Amazon Basin theme.