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Holy Trinity RC Primary School

Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Primary School

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Summer Holiday Provision in Lancashire

Dear Parent / Carer

As you are aware since the government announced the closure of schools in March, LCC schools have remained open in the first instance for the children of key workers and other identified groups. Since June 24th  we have been delighted to invite more children into school. We look forward to September and the return to school for all our children and young people. As we close school for the summer holidays we aware for some families there will be a need for childcare activities over part of the break. Our local authority is working hard with out of school providers and holiday schemes / clubs to give you and your family a clear overview of what is on offer in your local area during the summer holidays. The guidance from the government regarding out of school settings has only recently been available for providers, hence the delay in being able to share the offer with you earlier. All information regarding out of school activities for the summer will be advertised on the LCC website during the week beginning 20th July. Information will include age range of activities, location, type of activity and details of costs where this has been confirmed by providers. We recognise that this may not be a definitive list as additional offers develop subsequent to the time of writing, however it was felt that a broad oversight would be welcomed by families at this point in time.