Social Distancing

Social Distancing
Respect for social distancing advice when dropping off / collecting:
Due to the current government guidance which requires everybody to practise social distancing, only one parent is permitted to enter our reception area at a time. Other parents are asked to wait outside the external door until the parent inside has completed their sign in / out process. We will bring children out to you at the end of the day if you are collecting at 3:30pm. We do not feel the need for parents to come in the premises.
Government guidance states that there should ideally be a 2 metre minimal distance between people in public spaces, queues, etc. and we require parents to follow this guidance whilst on school site. This is for the health and safety of pupils, staff and parents on site and is part of the national efforts to reduce contact between individuals.
Social distancing in school:
Children will be encouraged and expected to practise social distancing, particularly when working inside. Desks in classrooms will be separated so that children may be seated a minimum of 2m apart when working and playing. Parents must support the school by explaining the concept of social distancing to their child in advance of them attending our provision. We will be having a relaxed as possible environment and all your children will be nurtured as always.
:What the provision will look like:
The reduced provision schools have been asked to provide for the children of Key Workers is to facilitate child care arrangement. There will be some structure to each day however they will not be receiving ‘lessons’ as they would do if schools were open as normal. Children must therefore bring their home learning packs into school every day when they are attending. They will be given the facilities and resources needed - including access to our online learning resources - in order to complete the work they have been set. We will also be having lots of outside provision and doing enjoyable activities.